Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Lies, more lies, and the Baltimore Mayor's Damned Statistics - Day 9

An ongoing compilation of the coverage of O'Malley's use of false/misleading crime statistics.
"On a scale of one to 10 -- . . . 10 being the best -- how would you characterize the accuracy of the city's crime reporting since 2000? "Mayor Martin O'Malley replies: "I would say we're somewhere north of a 9.8."

February 19, 2006
Baltimore Sun Columnist Laura Vozzella makes light of the issue in her column. She quotes Baltimore Councilman Ken Harris who said, "It's like a small snowball that's turned into a snowman that's walking around this city. . . . It's a snowman, and it's walking around here, over the citizens of Baltimore, and saying, 'OK, I'm alive here.' I'm saying, 'Let's get rid of the snowman. Let's melt the snowman, turn him into water and let it dry up. And that will be the end of the snowman.'" She also referenced the previously reported inconsistent positions of Sheila Dixon on whether to have an independent audit. Still, no substantive investigative reporting.


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