Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Lies, more lies, and the Baltimore Mayor's Damned Statistics - Day 11

An ongoing compilation of the coverage of O'Malley's use of false/misleading crime statistics.
"On a scale of one to 10 -- . . . 10 being the best -- how would you characterize the accuracy of the city's crime reporting since 2000? "Mayor Martin O'Malley replies: "I would say we're somewhere north of a 9.8."

February 21, 2006
WJZ-TV reports (by Derek Valcourt) that "on Monday, councilman Kenneth Harris will introduce a new bill calling for an independant audit of city crime statistics." So now, that will be three independent audits of Baltimore City's crime statistics. How close do you think they will be to O'Malley's claim of over 98% accuracy?
The report also mentions the Governor's appearance on the Ed Norris Show. The Governor is quoted as staying "It's a legitimate area of inquiry . . . I'm not accusing anybody of anything. I don't know what occured concerning the inflation of crime statistics, the charge anyway made."

WBAL radio publishes a Commentary (by Ron Smith)on the subject, entitled "Crime Statistics: Who Are We To Believe?" Apparently, callers to the radio station have identified themselves as former Baltimore police officers and have recounted pressures and procedures that seem designed to minimize the reporting of serious crimes.

Still no word from the Sun on the false (faked?) homicide numbers.


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