Sunday, March 05, 2006

Lies, more lies, and the Baltimore Mayor's Damned Statistics - Day 21

An ongoing compilation of the coverage of Mayor O'Malley's use of false/misleading crime statistics.
"On a scale of one to 10 -- . . . 10 being the best -- how would you characterize the accuracy of the city's crime reporting since 2000?" Mayor Martin O'Malley replies: "I would say we're somewhere north of a 9.8."

March 3, 2006
The Baltimore Sun reports on the bipartisan bill prohibiting police departments from knowingly providing false info re: crime reports. This time, reporter Andrew Green, actually writes that the bill stems from "the politically tinged debate over Baltimore police practices" without acknowledging any substance to the issue that WBAL-TV's Jayne Miller has found.
The paper includes quotes from lawmakers who say that this should be part of the audit package because audits are usually if police officers aren't providing the raw data.


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